Results (Archived)

S.No. Vacancy Description Download
1 Candidate Selected for the post of Assistant Manager (Civil) against VC No. 19/19  
2 Selection Closure Notice VC No  55/19  
3 Vacancy closure notice VC-64/19  
4 VC-10/20 Stands cancelled due to administrative reasons    
5 List of Candidates Selected for the post of Junior Assistant (Finance) against VC No. 50/19-(Offer List-4)
6 VC No 03/20 stands cancelled   
7 Candidate Selected for the post of AM(Civil/Elect/Mech)for Metro project on contract basis vide VC No.12/20
8 Candidate Selected for the post of Assistant Manager (Civil) against VC No.19/19
9 Selection Closure Notice VC No  01/21
10 Candidate Selected for the post of Engineer(S&T)against VC No.39/19 on regular basis
11 List of Candidates Selected for the post of DGM(Electrical)against VC No.05/20
12 Offer list 5 for Jr Manager (Finance) against VC No. 49/19
13 Offer List-Candidates Selected for VC No-07-08/20
14 Offer List-Candidates Selected for the post of Junior Assistant (HR) against VC No.38/19
15 Candidate Selected for the post of Assistant Manager (Civil) on Contract in PayScale basis against VC No. 19/19   
16 Result for the post of Assistant Manager(Electrical)against VC No.57/18 
17 Offer List-Candidates Selected for VC No-07-08/20 
18 Offer List-Candidates Selected for the post of Junior Assistant (HR) against VC No.38/19
19 Candidate Selected for the post of AM(Civil)on Contract in PayScale basis against VC No.19/19
20 Offer List-3:Candidates Selected for the post of Jr.Asstt(Finance)VC-No.50/19
21 Revised Provisional Merit list for the post of Jr.Assistant(HR)against VC No38/19
22 Result of Skill test for the Post of Junior Assistant (HR)-VC NO38/19
23 Candidate Selected for the post of GM(Finance) against VC No.54/19
24 Result for the post of Assistant Manager(Electrical)against VC No.57/18
25 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer/Civil against VC No. 04/18
26 Result sheet of written test against the VC No. 07/20, 08/20 & 09/20
27 Offer List 2 for the post of Junior Assistant (Finance) against VC No.50/19
28 Revised Provisional Merit list for the post of Jr.Assistant(HR)against VC No38/19
29 Provisional Merit list for the post of Junior Assistant (HR) against VC No 38/19
30 Candidate Selected for the post of Engineer(Civil)against VC No.61/18
31 Selection Closure Notice of DGM(S&T) VC No 13/20
32 Result sheet of written test for the post of Junior Manager(Legal)against VC No.64/19
33 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Electrical)against VC No.10/19(Offer List-05)
34 Offer list for the Post of Junior Assistant (Finance)-VC NO 50/19
35 Candidate Selected for the post of ARE(Bridge)at DGM Level against VC No.33/19
36 Candidates Selected for the post of Jr. Manager(F)against VC No.49/19 (Offer List 4)
37 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Electrical)against VC No.10/19
38 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Mech.)against VC No.09/19
39 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Civil)against VC No.08/19(Offer List-11)
40 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(S&T)against VC No.11/19
41 Candidate Selected for the post of ARE(OHE & SCADA)at Manager Level against VC No.43/18
42 Selection Cancelling Notice of VC No 51/19 - 53/19
43 Offer List 3-Candidates Selected for the post of Junior Manager(Finance)against VC No.49/19
44 Offer List 4-Candidates Selected for the post of GET(S&T)against VC No.11/19
45 Candidates selected as Engineer(Civil)Contractual basis in Payscale against VC No.61/18
46 Candidate Selected for the post of Engineer (Electrical) against VC No.70/18
47 Candidate Selected for the post of Engineer (Electrical) against VC No.58/18
48 Candidate Selected for the post of Assistant Manager(Civil) against VC No. 19/19
49 Offer List-2 Candidates Selected for the post of Jr. Manager(Finance)against VC No.49_19
50 Candidate Selected for the post of GM (Civil) against VC No. 02/20
51 Selection Closure Notice VC No 79/19
52 Final Answer Key VC No 50/19
53 Revised Marks of Written Test for the Post of Jr.Asstt.(Finance)-50/19
54 Revised Shortlist for Document verification for the post of Jr Asstt.(Finance)VC-50/19
55 List of Candidates Selected for the post of Jr.Manager(F)VC No. 49/19
56 Marklist of candidates Interviewed against VC no 49-19
57 Marklist of candidates after Written test VC NO 49-19
58 Selection Closure Notice VC No 67/19
59 Notice regarding Junior Assistant (Finance) VC No 50/19
60 Corrigendum Notice for Assistant Manager (Construction) VC No 49/18
61 Candidates selected as Technical Assistant (Civil) against VC No. 03/18
62 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Civil)against VC No.08/19 (Offer List-10)
63 Selection Closure Notice of VC No 78/19
64 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Mechanical)against VC No.09/19 (Offer List-10)
65 Candidate Selected for the post of AGM (Civil) against VC No. 65/19
66 Candidate Selected for the post of ARE Testing & Commissioning Telecom against VC No.72/19
67 Result Sheet of VC No. 50/19 (Junior Assistant/Finance)
68 Selection Closure Notice of VC No 75/19
69 Candidates Selected for the post of GET (Electrical) against VC No. 10/19 (Offer List-3)
70 Marks of Written Test for the Post of Junior Assistant (HR) - VC No. 38/19
71 Marks of Written Test for the Post of Jr.Asstt(Fin)-50/19 held on 22.02.2020
72 Candidates Selected for the post of GET (Mechanical) against VC No. 09/19(Offer List-9)
73 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Mech) against VC No.09/19 (Offer List-8)
74 Candidates Selected for the post of GET (Civil) against VC No. 08/19 (Offer List-9)
75 Candidates Selected for the post of GET (Mech)against VC No.09/19 (Offer List-7)
76 Selection Cancelling Notice of AGM(Highway) VC No 68/19
77 Selection Cancelling Notice of GM(Civil)/Railway VC No 77/19
78 Selection Closure Notice of VC No 76/19.
79 VC-02/19 stands cancelled due to administrative reasons
80 Candidates Selected for the post of GET (Civil) against VC No. 08/19(Offere List-8)
81 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 04/18
82 Candidates selected as Technical Assistant (Civil), against VC No. 03/18
83 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Civil)against VC No.08/19 (Offer List-7)
84 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer(Civil)against VC No.04/18
85 Candidate selected as Junior Assistant(Hindi)against VC No.04/19
86 Candidate selected as Assistant (Hindi) against VC No. 03/19
87 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer/Civil against VC No. 04/18
88 Candidates Selected for the post of GET (Civil) against VC No. 08/19 (Offer List-6) v
89 Candidates Selected for the post of GET (S&T) against VC No. 11/19 (Offer List-3)
90 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer/Civil against VC No.04/18
91 Result of Engineer GSM-R on Contractual basis in Pay Scale against VC No.31/19
92 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer(Civil)against VC No.04/18
93 Candidates selected as Assistant Manager(Electrical)VC No. 69/18
94 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 04/18
95 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Mech.)against VC No.09/19(Offer List-6)
96 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Civil)against VC No.08/19(Offer List-5)
97 Revised Shortlist for Selection for the post of Engineer (Electrical) against VC No. 58/18
98 Candidates Selected for the post of GET (S&T) against VC No. 11/19(Offer-List-2)
99 Candidate Selected for the post of AM(Elect)on Contractual Basis against VCNo.36/19
100 Candidates Selected as Techinical Assistant(Civil)against VC No.122/16
101 Mark List of Written test for the post of Engineer(Elect)against VC No-58/18 at roC-II
102 Candidates Selected as Technician Gr.III against VC No. 78/18 List-2
103 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Mech)against VC No.09/19(offer list-5)
104 Candidate selected DGM (S&T) against VC No. 25/19
105 Candidates selected as Assistant Manager (Electrical) VC No. 69/18
106 Candidates Selected as Techinical Assistant (Civil) against VC No. 122/16
107 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 04/18
108 Candidates selected as Engineer (Electrical) VC No. 70/18
109 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 04/18
110 Candidates selected as AM on Contractual Basis in Pay scale against VC No.49/18
111 Candidates selected as AM(Electrical)VC No.57/18
112 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Civil)against VC-08/19(Offer List-4)
113 Candidates selected for Assistant Loco Pilot against VC No 77/18
114 Candidates selected for AM(Corporate Communication)against VC No.35/19
115 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 04/18
116 Candidates Selected as Technician Gr.III against VC No. 78/18
117 Candidates selected as DGM(Elect) on Contractual Basis in Pay scale againstVCNo.56/18
118 Candidates Selected for the post of GET (Mech) against VC No.09/19(Offer List-4)
119 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer/Civil against VC No. 04/18
120 Candidates Selected for the post of GET (Civil) against VC No. 08/19-Offer List-3
121 Final Mark list for GET (S&T) against VC -11/19
122 Vacancies No-21-22/19 notified in March 2019 stand cancelled due to administrative reasons
123 Candidates Selected for the post of GET (Electrical) against VC No. 10/19-Offer List-2
124 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Mechanical)against VC No.09/19-Offer List-3
125 Candidates selected as Manager/Telecom against VC No. 102/17
126 Vacancies 40-42/19 on contractual basis in pay scale stand cancelled due to administrative reasons
127 Vacancy 43/19 in RITES Ltd. stands cancelled due to administrative reasons
128 Result of written test for the post of AM(Corp-Communication)on regular basis against VC-35/19
129 Candidates selected as Assistant Manager on Contractual Basis in Pay scale against
130 Candidates Selected for the post of GET (S&T) against VC No. 11/19 (Offer List)
131 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 04/18
132 Result of Written Exam for the post of Manager(Elect) against VC No-36/19 in REMCL
133 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Civil)against VC No.08/19(Offer List-2)
134 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Mechanical) against VC-09/19(Offer List-2)
135 Results/Marklist for VC-10/19 GET (Electrical)
136 Candidates selected as Assistant Manager (IT), against VC No. 85-88/18
137 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 04/18(II)
138 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 04/18
139 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Elect)against VC No.10/19(Offer List-1)
140 Candidates selected as TA(Civil)against VC No.03/18
141 Marks for VC-08/19 GET (Civil)
142 VC-24/19 stands cancelled due to administrative reasons
143 Marks for VC-09/19 GET (Mechanical)
144 Result of Written Examination for the post of Jr.Asstt.(Hindi)against-VC No-04-19
145 Result of Written Examination for the post of Asstt.(Hindi)against-VC No-03-19
146 List of Candidates Selected for GET–2019 against VC No. 08/19
147 Candidates Selected for the post of GET(Mech) against VC No.09/19
148 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer(Civil)against VC No.04/18
149 Result of written test for the post of AM(Civil)against VC No.19/19
150 Candidates selected for the post of DGM (S&T) against VC No. 25/19
151 Result of written test for the post of AM(S&T)against VC No.20/19
152 VC 80/17 stands cancelled due to administrative reasons
153 VC 44/19 stands cancelled due to administrative reasons
154 Candidates selected as Assistant Engineer(Civil)against VC No.04/18
155 Candidates selected against VC No.55/18
156 Result for written test for the post of Manager(Civil)against VC No.16/19
157 Result for written test for the post of Manager(S&T)VC No.18/19
158 Result for written test for the post of Manager(System)VC No.17/19
159 Candidates selected as Technical Assistant (Civil), against VC No. 03/18
160 VC No: 05/19 stand cancelled due to administrative reasons
161 VC No: 06 & 07/19 stand cancelled due to administrative reasons
162 Candidates selected as Assistant Manager(Electrical) VC No.57/18
163 Selection held for the post of ED(Fin)VC No-01/19,no candidate was found suitable
164 Candidates selected as Engineer(Mech)against VC No.76/17
165 Candidates selected as Engineer (Electrical) VC No.70/18
166 Candidates selected as AM (Electrical) VC No.69/18
167 Candidates selected as AM (Electrical)VC No.57/18
168 Candidates selected as AM ( E&M),against VC No.55/17
169 VC: 73-74/17 stand cancelled due to administrative reasons
170 Candidates selected as Administrative Manager - Sr. DGM Level, against VC No. 34/18
171 Candidate Selected for the post of Engineer(Elect)on Contractual against VC No.59/18
172 Selected for the post of Manager(Electrical)on Cont Basis in pay scale VC No. 68/18
173 VC-53/18 notified in Aug-18 stands cancelled due to administrative reasons
174 Candidates selected as AM ( IT)against VC No.85-88/18
175 Candidates selected as Engineer(Elect)against VC No.78/17
176 Candidates selected as AM (S&T)against VC No.71-76/18
177 Candidates selected as Site Engineer(Civil),against VC No.40/18
178 Candidates selected as Assistant Manager(Electrical)against VC No.57/18
179 Candidates selected as Assistant Manager(Civil)against VC No.41/18
180 Candidates selected as Assistant Manager( Civil)against VC No.57/18
181 Candidates selected as Assistant Manager(Civil)against VC No.41/18
182 Resault for written test for the post of AM(Civil)for UI-Mumbai VC No:41/18
183 Candidate Selected for the post of Engineer(Elect)on Contractual basis against VC No.23/17
184 Candidates selected as Engineer(Electrical)against VC No.05/18
185 Candidates selected as ARE(Building)DGM Level,against VC No.45/18
186 Candidates selected as ARE(Sleeper Plant)DGM Level,VC No.44/18
187 Candidates selected as Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 21/18
188 Candidates selected as DGM(Mech,Elect & Plumbing)/MEP Expert VC No.39/18
189 Candidates selected as Engineer(Mechanical)against VC No.76/17
190 Candidate selected as DGM(Ropeway)against VC No.60/18
191 Candidates selected as AM(Transport Planning/Engineering)against VC No.50/18
192 Candidate selected against VC No. 40/16
193 Candidates selected as Technical Assistant (Civil)against VC No.122/16
194 Candidates selected as General Manager (IT) against VC No. 51/18
195 Candidates selected as Manager (Tunnel) against VC No. 36/18
196 Candidates selected as Assistant Manager (Tunnel) against VC No. 37/18
197 Result of DGM(Elect.Mech.& Plumbing)/MEP Expert on Cont. basis in Pay Scale against VC No.39/18
198 Candidates selected as Engineer(Civil)against VC No.109/17
199 Candidates selected as TA(Civil)against VC No.122/16
200 Candidates selected against GM(Finance)against VC No.52/18
201 Candidate selected as DGM(Construction)against VC No.48/18
202 Candidate selected as ARE(Building)at DGM Level against VC No.45/18
203 VC-54/18 GM(Civil Engg) stands cancelled due to administrative reasons
204 VC-32/18(Hindi Asstt.)on contractual basis in June 2018 stands cancelled
205 Candidate selected as Assistant Manager(Civil)against VC No.70/17
206 Candidates selected as TA(Civil)against VC No.122/16
207 Candidate selected against VC No. 19/18
208 Site Engineer(Mech,Elect Plumbing)/MEP Expert against VC No.29/18
209 4th List of Candidates selected as Engineer(Elect)against VC No.78/17
210 3rd List of Candidates selected as AM(Mech)against VC No.75/17
211 Candidates selected as Engineer(Civil)against VC No.109/17
212 Candidate selected against VC No. 40/16
213 Candidate selected against VC No. 38/16
214 Candidate selected against VC No. 20/18
215 Candidate selected as Engineer(Electrical)against VC No.72/17
216 Candidate selected Assistant Manager(Construction) against VC No.49/18
217 Candidate selected as Engineer(Electrical)against VC No.72/17
218 Candidates selected as CAD OPERATOR(Civil)against VC No.119/17/2018
219 Candidate selected as Engineer(Civil)against VC No.104/16
220 Candidates selected against VC No.18/18
221 Candidate selected as Manager(ARE Bridge) against VC No. 16/18
222 Candidate selected as Engineer(Civil)against VC No.104/16
223 Candidate selected as Engineer(Civil)against VC No.104/16(Secunderabad)
224 Candidate selected as Engineer(Civil)against VC No.104/16(Ahmedabad)
225 Candidate selected against VC No. 20/18
226 Result sheet of written test for the post of AM(Construction) against VC No.49/18
227 Candidate selected as Dy.GM(ARE Sleeper Plant)against VC No.15/18
228 Sixth List of Candidates Selected for GET-2017
229 Candidate selected as Manager(ARE Bridge)against VC No.16/18 Candidate selected as Engineer (Civil) against VC No. 121/15
230 Site Engineer(Mech, Elect Plumbing)/MEP Expert against VC No.29/18
231 Candidate selected against VC No. 30/18
232 Result Sheet for AM(E&M)against VC No.55/17 for Ahemdabad Metro Project
233 Result sheet for the post Manager(ARE Bridge)against VC No.16/18
234 Fifth List of Candidates Selected for GET-2017
235 Result for Cad Operator(Civil)against VC No.120/17 at Gurgaon
236 Result for Cad Operator(Civil)against VC No.119/17 at Gurgaon
237 Candidate selected as DGM(Mech.Elect Plumbing)/MEP Expert against VC No.26/18
238 Candidate selected as Engineer(Electrical)against VC No.12/18
239 Candidate selected as Site Engineer (E&M) against VC No.63/15
240 Candidate selected as DGM(Civil)/Section Engineer against VC No.25/18
241 Candidates selected as SDGM(Elect.Mech.--)against VC No.96/17
242 VC-121/17 stands cancelled due to administrative reasons
243 Candidate selected as Engineer(Civil)against VC No.121/15
244 Candidates selected as Technical Assistant(Civil)against VC No.122/16
245 Candidate selected as DGM(Civil)Section Engineer against VC No. 25/18
246 Candidates selected as Engineer(Electrical)against VC No.78/17(List-3)
247 Candidate selected as Manager(Track)against VC No.07/18
248 2nd List of Candidates selected as Engr(Mech)against VC No.76/17
249 2nd List of Candidates selected as AM(Mech)against VC No.75/17
250 Fourth List of Candidates Selected for(VC No.16/17)GET-2017
251 Candidates selected against VC No. 116/17
252 Candidates selected against VC No. 118/17
253 Candidates selected against VC No. 113/17
254 Candidates selected as Engineer(Electrical)against VC No.78/17
255 Candidates selected as TA(Civil) against VC No.122/16
256 Candidates selected as Engineer(Civil)against VC No.121/15
257 Candidates selected as Engineer(Elect)against VC No.78/17
258 Candidates selected as AM(Elect)against VC No. 77/17
259 Candidates selected as AM(Civil)against VC No.15/17
260 Candidates selected as TA(Civil)against VC No.122/16
261 Candidates selected as TA(Civil)against VC No.122/16
262 Candidate selected as DGM(Signal)against VC No.11/18
263 Candidates selected as Engineer(Mechanical)against VC No.76/17
264 Candidate selected as AM((Sociology)VC No.61/17
265 Candidate selected as AM(Env.Engg.) VC No.60/17